Wednesday 12 February 2014

Drunken The Beach movie review

The beach

All of my wots.

A friend recommended this film to me while I was at a bar tonight just before I got kicked out for being intoxicated. And as I figured the night is still young I decided to watch this disgrace of a Danny Boyle film. I review my films right after I finish watching them, no matter what state of mind nor intoxication levels delay my thoughts.

Please di caprio aka. The second coming of Brando. Steer clear from movies that not even the intoxicated can enjoy. Even though what my beer googles showed it couldnt deny the fact that what i was watching was an overly dilluted plot trying to appeal to the mass audience. The young teen hipsters through the cool and far out man a marijuana plant on an island and the overly melodramatic people who feel compelled when some guy needs to get to a hospital after hes biten by shark or something i cant remember. I feel that sometimes Dicaprio needs to take a step back and go yep not the best choice and move on from these. And no need to flame i do enjoy the odd Danny Boyle film; Trainspotting and Slumdog Millionaire which was excellent on a multitude of levels.

To sum up my druken thoughts watching this shit show continue for 114 minutes my only thought is WHY THE FUCK IS IT SO EASY TO LEAVE AT THE END. Why didnt anyones family call the police. Why didnt anyone call the police of the biblical proportioned marijuani plantation.These were merely some of the questions i was blurting out throughout the whole film which may have been explained but i may have also passed out.But most importantly, why the fuck did my .205 blood alcohol content decide to watch this shitfest over the Arsenal v Man U match.

If i had to give this a rating and a 10 would be coming home from the beach without sunburn and no sand in your underwear and a 1 would be losing your wallet and keys at the beach. I would have to give it a losing your shoes and receiving a parking fine for not paying the meter.

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